The Ministry for Primary Industries is notifying you of new measures being issued for all vehicles and machinery sourced and shipped from the United States. These new measures are the result of interceptions of Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB) being found in vehicles, machinery, boats and equipment from USA ports. Due to the high pest status of these stink bugs the new measures will be in place from the 24th December to better manage this risk.
The Biosecurity Act 1993 section 24B allows for an import health standard to be amended. The Chief Technical Officer considered that the standard needed to be amended urgently. As a result, the consultation with persons who may be adversely affected by the amendment, which would occur under our normal processes, has not occurred (as allowed under section 24B(2)).
MPI is aware that this sudden change at this time of the year may cause problems in the supply chain. However the significant risk this pest presents and recent detections and new information has necessitated this immediate action to protect New Zealand. We will be working with stakeholders who have consignments currently being shipped to New Zealand.
The revised Import Health Standard is available at:
Key changes:
a. All break bulk vehicles and machinery must be treated prior to shipping
b. All containerised shipments must be treated prior to shipping or on-arrival
MPI is working closely with the USDA on the best options to manage this pathway.
For more information on the BMSB refer below.
Key contacts:
Any queries around the change to the IHS can be directed to:
Any queries in regard to consignments in transit contact: